Sunday, April 29, 2007

Good news-ful

Its been shipped (!!!). But its due at my house on friday, which is cutting it close, but doable.

Good news:

I Finished: Sort of: (I have a shirt on underneath, to aviod confusion)

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Bad news: I have to knit that shawl. And I still have to sew some stuff on.
1. Straps (Halter? I dunno)
2. Gold border on to the blue.
3. Hem the green bit.
4. Possibly a bit more green on the inside, b/c you can see my bra, but no one will notice, so I don't know. Gah.
I also need to figure out my shoes situation. Flats? Heels? If so how tall? I'm not that tall, but I don't want to be taller then my boyfriend. Maybe kitten heels?

About the shawl (who's yarn is in Ohio) - I think I'm going to have it come to points on either end, so it's easier to pin. With this:

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And look what I got yesterday: (not that I have a record player)

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1 comment:

simplyducky said...

Wow! I didn't realize until I scrolled down that the you are referring to the yarn being shipped and that you actually sewed that dress. I'm impressed! My vote is for the halter.