(also, I have a question - I've been very bad and hosting the photos on ravelry. I talked with my boyfriend last night, and he told me this is apparently not good to do, so right now I'm using picasa. I don't want to use flickr, I'm past my 200 photo limit, and I don't want to buy a subscription. I hate photobucket. Any other suggestions?)
But besides the sleeve (and the back which I obviously finished last night!) I've been doing some knitting - more swatching!
I know this isn't the most original cable pattern, but I was thinking about it in my statistics class about a month ago, and I have these two yarns set aside for mittens or a cowl. I like the way the brown took to the cables, with that lovely little halo that alpaca always has (it's a 100% alpaca sport weight I got up in Maine). But the blue (left over from some socks I made my mother), shows the cables better than the brown - so I think that I might start some in the blue, and maybe if I like knitting them, do a sport weight version in the brown. Maybe. We'll see.
Enjoy your extra hour today!
What pattern has the set-in seamless sleeve? That is JUST what I need for a project I'm currently stuck on... I changed the shaping of the back completely and now I need to invent my own sleeves, lol.
hi, it's actually the Audrey in unst pattern from the twist collective!
You can host photos on blogger, though I don't know what the limit is.
I've never knitted set-in sleeves. I just haven't come across a pattern that I liked. You can still host photos on Flickr. The only thing is, you can't go back and see them or change the photos that go past your most recent 200, but all of the previous photos you've linked to your site or Ravelry will still show up, even if they're older than your 200 recent photos.
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