Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I started another project.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket My only mod is that I cast on 72 stitches. There's no way I cold fit only 60 sts around my heel.

They're Roza's socks from Spring Interweave 07. Speaking of which have you seen this? I want it. But I really don't have any yarn. At all!

My mom's thermal vest is a distaster. It's 32 inches instead of 37, and it should e 38. See what I mean? My gauge is off and I don't want to block the hell out over. Right now I'm slowly knitting to the end of the first ball to see if 6 balls is enough for a vest. If it isn't I don't know what I'll do!

My spiral boot socks are almost done. SOOOOO close. I just want to block and wear them!!!!


Linda said...

Thank you for my comment x The socks look great.

Floderten said...

I want the Holiday Issue too. But it'll cost $19 for me including shipping, and at the moment I don't have NINETEEN dollars to spend on a single magazine. That's just absurd, yo. :P

I really like the yarn you're using, I've been wanting to make Roza's socks for a while now too!