Sunday, November 16, 2008

New York


So friday was absolutely wonderful, the bus ride was exactly 2.5 hours, with very little traffic, and once we got to NYC, I met up with McKayla's friend Shira, who was very funny and interesting - we got some very good and surprisingly filling soup about a block from the Met (Hearty Soups? Or something similar) where I got a coconut chicken concoction that was amazing. It had just the right amount of spicy. From there, we grabbed some Starbucks (oh, how I miss them...I have to save my pennies and just get a million lattes on Thanksgiving vacation...).

We went and looked around a bit at FIT, which I love and hopefully will get into. Instead of several different buildings, it's just one long one with different names. I'm looking forward to it - but I just hope I get in (yes, I'm transferring - into Fashion Design).

Then, we met Jess at the first yarn store - School Products, where I forgot to call her early enough, so poor McKayla and Shira had to wait with me. They had alot of coned yarns, and alot of cashmere and silk that was rather cheap - camel and yak too. I actually didn't buy an yarn at all on this trip (I was tempted by Kogui, but well, I just can't justify the price!).

Then, we walked down the road to Habu. Very interesting little shop - it was obviously where they wound and packaged yarns for shipping too. There was a constant chatter of Japanese in the background!

This was the front room, then there was a little side room with a bunch of skeins on the wall and boxes of unwound yarn.

The set up of the room was very Asian, but made my ankles hurt (for some reason, they crack all the time. It's very odd).

These fabrics? The first one, on the left - $80 per yard. The other two? $295 per yard. They must have been handwoven...

After, we went to dinner (dumplings! Oh I love them. In CT, they only have the "regular" kind - just chicken dumplings. This place was supposedly "known" for it's good dumplings). Where, of course, I took no pictures!

Then, to the MoMA (Museum of Modern Art).

From Left to Right, Top to Bottom:

1. Weird installion in the MoMA, 2. Out of the window (Nikki thought it was funny that she was in an art musem and decided it was time to look out of the window!), 3. Andy Warhol's Campbell soup cans, 4. Nikki with art (what you ask? I just don't know!), 5. Jess and josh, 6. Nikki looking at a painting that was one of the few I liked, but sadly there were people in front of them.

It was extremely foggy/misty/smoggy that day, and the buildings very often looked like they were going into space. I loved it.

Mostly just pictures of the buildings, but the little girl is the daughter of my 2-D teacher next semseter, and the girl with the sun glasses is Nikki, before we even got on the bus, telling us she looked like New York.

All in all, it was fun, exhausting and amazing. I do have an FO, but I promise you don't know what it is - I started and finished it yesterday.

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