1. This isn't really a resolution but! I have A LOT of clothes, as my mom reminded me the other day. Tons. So, for the first month of the year, I'm not going to repeat an outfit. I'm going to post a picture everyday on my facebook, and if I get inspired, I'll put some up here. I have a couple rules (like, I can wear sweats at home, but if I'm not going out all day, I need to put on something besides sweats for a while), but it's mostly just, don't repeat! I can wear the same clothes but not the exact same outfit. It should be interesting.
2. I want to comment on more blogs. Idiot me has been wondering why my comments dropped off recently. It's because I don't comment. Silly. So I want to comment on posts I find interesting. I normally read and think, oh they don't care. But I'll just comment anyways!
3. Knit more! Buy yarn less! I currently have a very full yarn shelf and under bed bins of scraps AND a small cedar chest full of roving. I think I might be inspired to get all of it out and take a picture. Maybe that will make me buy less. I'm not totally overwhelmed with my stash and I won't say I'm not going to buy yarn this year, but I want to end up at the end of the year with less yarn than I started with.
In other news, ironically I already bought yarn. But it's for socks for Kimmy, and it's so orange (one of the favorite colors) I had to get it for her. I visited Mckayla who lives near Connecitcut Yarn and Wool (Farmhouse Yarns, anyone?). Then we played with her new swift and my ball winder. Obviously, the orange is mine. The blue is yarn I got LAST CHRISTMAS for an owl sweater: see resolution # 3.
And although I finished the Liesl sweater today that I didn't finish for christmas I have no pictures of it and have not blocked or woven in the ends. Bad knitter. But here is me knitting and drinking tea with Mckayla. This was the "I'm going to hold my finger over the flash so you don't look terrible" shot. She couldn't figure out how to turn off the flash.
I like your goals a lot! I have never heard the clothing one before, very original. I definitely need to follow the one about knitting more and buying yarn less - maybe this will be the year for that.
I look forward to seeing your outfit combos! Please post pictures.
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