Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Tra Tra La

That's really what I feel like. My medication (or as I've called many a time by accident, medjecation) makes me slightly loopy, off balance, tired, irriatable, and dizzy. For those who have missed something, these meds are for my pain because of the lack of wisdom teeth.

Oh, and I can't eat anything! I've eaten about 12 ounces of real food (eggs, salmon, noodles swallowed whole), and the rest has been peach smoothies and milkshakes.

Here is where I've been living. (quite comfy, acutally)

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The good thing, though, I was invited to Ravelry this morning! One of my computers was pulled near my make-shift bed, and that's were I've been.

As for knitting, I think Shedir is turning out nicely, (look at the bed, you can see sort of a orange/yellow thing, that's her!), don't you? I thought at first it wouldn't fit, but it's seems to do fine!

I'm getting a head start on Christmas gifts (though if you'd look at my queue in Ravelry, most say for me!), so thats why I'm making hats and mittens, if you are wonders.

I'm ibunnysavetroy on, if it's important to anyone. I'm going to stop rambling now, considering I can't remember ANYTHING I just wrote down!

O yes, I forgot to say earlier: I got the new Vogue knitting. I am sooooo disappointed!

What in hell were they thinking!

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But I got this at the Village Sheep. For a dollar!

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Alas, with the sad VK issue next to it!

1 comment:

Floderten said...

Hooray you finally got Ravelry! :P

I think one of my wisdom teeth is making its way forward.. It's a bitch! I have a hard time eating, too. :( ... what kind of meds are you getting??? :P