Thursday, February 7, 2008

When Socks Like Lamps

I've been taking an art class with one amazing teacher. He breaks everything down, and everything just seems conquerable. Here is an eye I drew on Tuesday. It actually is about the size of my head, and I'm so proud.


I love characoal, it's done wonders.


My mother bought a new lamp(and don't tell her, but I'm in love with it) and the socks, after I figured out what I had done wrong, have been very behaving socks.
So naturally, the socks wanted to be near it. I decided that they earned it, because for an entire day, they haven't misbehaved.


I'm not knitting them at the same time per say now, but I am knitting a little on one and a little on another. I have to move stitches around, and I can't do that very well with magic loop.


1 comment:

Michelle said...

That is one cool eye.

Congratulations to the socks for good behavior.