Friday, April 11, 2008

Not Really Fiber Friday

I just dyed some roving. My god, I want to do it again. I think I'm going to take a trip up to Torrington... (to buy more of course, this is only about 40 grams)


That's it in the pan, and then, so you can see how I chained it:


It's hanging downstairs drying.

Let me just take a minute to explain something about my dyeing methods: they are TOTALLY unconventional. To dye that yarn I dyed it on a camp stove in my garage. The roving, I soaked in water for about five seconds before realizing braiding it would be better for the fibers, so I braided it while it was wet - not exactly the suggested thing to do.

I also just sort of sprinkled the dyes on, then rubbed the braid around a little, then mircowaved it with the dye and some water. Half way through the mircowaving, I poured a little vingear on it (I think your supposed to mix the dyes with the vingear?). It's also not suggested to submerge superwash roving. But it's still pretty...

I've been working like crazy on that scarf - I want to have it finished and blocked this weekend (ha!), and I have about 3 more repeats for the length that would be nice, but I think I'll just use all the yarn.

It in it's full length (it's so curled you really can't tell):


As you can see, I dry blocked a little portion, and according to this, my finished scarf will by 47" (We think!). Four repeats = 10.5 inches. I am using bigger needles then called for, so I think that accounts for the width, which is about 9". I'm using fours (3.5 mm), the pattern call for threes (3.25 mm).

Photobucket (this is the most accurate color representation of this yarn I've got so far, I've been fiddling with the blue/red settings on my camera)

I'm so close, and it's really been speeding since I transfered it to my addi lace needles.

Maybe an FO by monday? (hopehopehope!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes unconventional is the best way to do things! The blue color is absolutely gorgeous. I'm sure it will look amazing spun up :)