Monday, June 16, 2008

WIPs Monday

So the dress I mentioned yesterday that I was making for graduation, it's now done!


More on that whole thing here!

As for actually WIPs, there's well, the sweater. I've been working on it for... three months now? And whenever I get to a part I don't know/like, I just stop. First, it was casting on for the body after finishing a sleeve, then the waist shaping and now the ribbing/cabled part. And that's where I'm stuck now. Not that I don't know how, I'm just lazy.


It's been so long since I knit this, and it's been stuffed in a knitting bag, look at the wrinkles!


And then there's a couple pairs of plain socks. With all this stress (graduation is tomorrow, finals last week, job, etc) it's all I have the energy for.

These, I'm making for my "brother" - a guy friend who I decided is my stand in brother. In knitpicks Risata, "Navy". I'm now almost to the toe on these!


and then, there's these, made of Knitpicks Felici in "Gelato", toe up with a gusset heel. They were supposed to be for my mom, but I want them! I'm almost to the heel right now.


And lastly, spinning. I've been spinning on some Nerclub2000 roving, and I think it'll FINALLY be sock weight. I started the second bobbin tonight.


I'm so excited! Sock weight! REAL sock weight!

And that wraps up the WIPs!

I'm graduating tomorrow. I have a rehersal in the morning, a brunch after that, and then well. I'll be a high school graduate. And this only the beginning. Whenever I think that, it reminds me of that song "B-b-b-baby, you ain't seen nothing yet" - sort of true in this situation. 13 years of school all coming down to figuring out what the hell you want to do - and I don't know yet! I hate narrowing down opportunities, it's the worst part of life. I'd like to freeze time on this day - today I went out to breakfast with my boyfriend, tie-dyed some shirts with some friends, and after I finish this post, I'm going to bake a coffe cake for tomorrow's brunch. And this is only the beginning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The dress is lovely! Congratulations! That's where I'll be in a year... :)